Call for Abstracts

Important dates

March 15, 2023

Abstract submission open
March 15, 2023

May 25, 2023

Abstract submission close
May 25, 2023

June 01, 2023

Authors notified of acceptance
June 01, 2023

July 31, 2023

Authors registration deadline
July 31, 2023

Oral presentation: 15-minute presentation, comprising of a 12-minute platform + 3 minutes for questions

Poster: A0 Format (90cm x 120 cm), portrait

  • The presenting author will be required to register for the symposium to be included in the final programme. The registration deadline for presenting author is Monday 31th July 2023
  • Abstracts should be submitted electronically to:
  • If you have any difficulties, you can contact the organising committee at
  • Abstracts must follow the guidelines provided. Abstracts that do not follow the guidelines will not be accepted
  • There is no limit to the number of abstracts an individual may submit. Splitting a body of work into several abstracts is discouraged and consolidation into a single abstract is preferred
  • By submitting an abstract, the author automatically gives permission for the abstract, if accepted, to be made available on the website and possibly for further publication
  • Abstracts should not exceed 300 words (between 250 and 300). The word limit is for the abstract text only and does not include the title and authors. 5-10 keywords are expected
  • Use single-line spacing
  • No pictures, figures or images are allowed
  • Abstracts should be free of typographical and grammatical errors
  • Abbreviations should only be used for common terms. For other terms, abbreviations should be given in brackets after the first full use of the word abbreviations may be used in the title provided that the full name is given in the body of the abstract

Submitted abstracts will be reviewed and assessed for quality and relevance by the Symposium Advisory Committee.

Notification of acceptance will be sent by e-mail between Monday 25th May 2023 and Thursday 1st June 2023. Abstracts submitted for oral presentation that are not accepted will be considered for possible acceptance as posters.

The Symposium organisers cannot be held responsible for any failure to receive abstracts or submission errors caused by internet failures, hardware or software delays, power failures or unforeseen events.